"Never lose hope my heart. Miracles dwell in the invisible" - Rumi
“Much have you given to me, Yet I ask for more.
I come to you not merely for the drought of water, but for the spring;
Not for guidance to the door alone, but to the Master’s hall;
Not only for the gift of love, but for the Lover himself” (Tagore)
If you as an individual, are looking for alternatives to traditional therapy and/or medication, for hope and a sense of purpose in life to break free from even chronic depression, anxiety, insomnia, traumas, auto-immune diseases, addictive behaviors & patterns, or a formal diagnosis of Bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD, OCD etc, Healing Conversations will provide for you a unique way to nourish and heal your Soul, heart, mind and physical being. If you as a couple, long for harmony in your love relationship, freedom from conflict & emotional distance or loneliness, Healing Conversations can show you the way back to a love that is vibrant & fulfilling, the return to a soulful and heart-centered union. In a safe and intimate space where you can share and address your life challenges with no judgment or official labels, you will find deep listening, pure reflection and simple practices to transform your suffering. Healing Conversations is a sacred space where you can learn to REST & RELAX INTO YOUR PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE, fully present and aware in the here and now. You can do this from the privacy of your home, or from wherever you are, over the phone (or video).
If your desire for peace and harmony in your life is real, this may be the right time to magnetize the guidance you need. And HEALING CONVERSATIONS is MY GIFT to ANYONE who asks for it with a pure and open heart.
I will meet you where you are in your life’s path, I will walk with you and allow for all the freedom you need to stay longer and explore or move slowly or quickly, as you mindfully transition, shift or leap into your next stage of life.
No Insurances, formal diagnoses or treatment & follow-up plans, agenda (except yours) and legal jargon. The Way of Love follows not the letter but the spirit of things. A HEALING CONVERSATION allows for the speaking of the heart, the touching of the heart, the opening of the heart, for a powerful Soul Encounter that offers the chance for mutual transformation each time we meet. Each time is a NEW ENCOUNTER, in your new here and now that will bring the change, the level of awareness and healing you are ready to welcome and to allow. We are both free to pause or stop anytime. My invitation to you, now more than ever, is to allow for a new joy, a new aliveness, allow for the inner wisdom of being in love with yourself and with your partner again or for the first time, of “becoming” that love that transforms your whole being and brings light to you and the world around you. We all need now, more than ever……The Way of Love. And “Love is the Light of the Soul” (Rumi).
Your Love Donation for a 1hr Healing Conversation with me:
As low as $33…or $44, $55…anything below, in between or above. Any love donation is accepted in gratitude, as it is given. My regular psychotherapy session has been so far $121 or $108. If you can offer that much or more, to support those who can’t afford it and my work in The Way of Love, I will gladly accept it.
Call 309-793-7881 to REGISTER for your Appointment or EMAIL rita@thewayof.love
Before your Appointment, make your Donation through PayPal to ritamelissano108@gmail.com, then call for your Healing Conversation as arranged.
The Science of Happiness, The Art of Cultivating Inner Peace, The Art of Suffering Less, The Compassion Science…In its many names and forms, Mindfulness does change our life in tangible ways, as Neuroscience has shown through endless studies. Even in as little as eight weeks, the practice of Mindfulness can positively change the quality of our life, our overall attitude and response to events and people, restructure our brain and fosters its neuroplasticity, making our life an overall happier one. Through easily learned both formal (Meditation) & informal daily Practices, Mindfulness anchors us to the breath, to our body and into the here and now, offering the gift of peace, moment by moment. What people seem to want the most these days is inner peace, no matter what the circumstances in their life. What people have practiced formally for thousands of years to achieve that is meditation, an art as old as humankind. Indeed, in any spiritual tradition Meditation has been recognized as a powerful tool to balance and improve the quality of life, enhance longevity, prevent depression, anxiety and many health issues (e.g. high blood pressure) and the rise of the stress hormone (cortisol). Today, many studies in reputable Centers like Harvard Medical School, Oxford University, Stanford and M.I.T. , as early as the sixties have revealed remarkable results in only weeks of practice and after even twenty minutes in first time meditators. Whether sitting quietly in a chair, in a lotus position or walking, talking, listening, driving, moving, eating, conducting business, you can train your mind to practice focused attention, acceptance of what comes into your field of awareness, with openness, curiosity, compassion and non-judgment. They call it the MINDFULNESS REVOLUTION!!! Major Corporations (e.g. Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Target, eBay etc.) and Law firms, FBI, Schools, Hospitals, Substance Abuse centers all over the world, they all have in common the practice of Mindfulness!!! The practice of Mindfulness improves mood and reduces depression relapses, enhances attention, focus and memory, increases immune response, decreases both stress response and anxiety, protects the aging brain (e.g. less gray matter).
Rita will teach you all about Mindfulness in its formal and informal practices, techniques and principles she has even taught at Caltech in Pasadena, California, the leading World of Science where, not many know, Einstein himself taught and brought his wisdom:
“The INTUITIVE MIND is a sacred gift, the RATIONAL MIND is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” (Einstein)
Call 309-793-7881 (+1 internationally) to REGISTER or email to rita@thewayof.love for:
1) Virtual Private Mindfulness Meditation Session LOVE DONATION
2) Virtual Group Mindfulness Meditation Session: THURSDAYS 7-8:pm LOVE DONATION
3) Full Moon Special Meditation -Monthly Event- 7-8pm LOVE DONATION
4) Mindfulness Group Consultation or 8 wk-Training LOVE DONATION (Total value: $400-$1500) Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm (begins May 12)
5) Mindfulness Training in Health Care, Education & the Corporate World
The practice of “dana” or generosity is an ancient Buddhist practice that teaches us to give generously in order to support the Teacher and the continuation of the precious Teachings, and in so doing elevate the level of happiness and harmony of our entire Community.
In the ancient Japanese Tradition of Usui Shiki Ryoho, Reiki is Light or healing energy given either in person or long distance, with or without touching. Through the Chakra System and with specific hand positions, vital energy is channeled to the body fostering its natural balance and healing response at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, but also at the social, planetary and cosmic levels. Invaluable for pain management, Reiki strengthens the immune system, treats stress, anxiety and insomnia, relieves chronic pain (fibromyalgia, arthritis etc.), aids recovery from anesthesia, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and much more. It brings healing energy not only to human beings, but also animals, plants, situations (e.g. war zones, natural disasters) and spaces.
Above all Reiki takes you to a higher level of consciousness with every Level you take. There are Four formal Levels. Becoming a Reiki practitioner is a life changing event and a precious gift: you will never be the same or look at an other ‘living being’ in the same way. For more information read the article “Healing with Energy” wrote by Rita Melissano, Ph.D., and published in the Argus/Dispatch newspaper & Radish magazine.
We can only offer referrals for in-person Reiki sessions, for Dr. Melissano, as a Reiki Master Teacher, dedicates her time exclusively for Training in all four Levels. She does offer Long Distance Reiki Sessions for you, your loved ones, pets included, who need healing or to help healing specific situations, places, war zones, natural disasters on Mother Earth. Reiki Light knows no barriers of time or space. Fifteen minutes of Long Distance Reiki is the equivalent of one hour full session! Reiki can be used to help a loved one or a pet make a peaceful final transition from this dimension, when the time comes.
As Energy Medicine, Reiki is being used today in hospitals and clinics in the U.S. and around the world to integrate conventional medicine. With no side effects or contraindications, Reiki is a cost-effective way to enhance patient care and create a healing environment for the receiver, their families and medical staff…and change our World!
Pre-Registration is Required. Call 309 793 7881 or email rita@thewayof.love
Donate with PayPal ritamelissano108@gmail.com
REGISTER 2) REIKI TRAINING (see below details and suggested Love Donations)
Reiki Level I Training
$130 suggested Love Donation, including a book, handout and certification as a practitioner of the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition.
Reiki Level II Training
Taught in the most authentic “Way” which honors the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition, legacy & Mystery School. (Please Inquire about Required Prerequisites).
$180 suggested Love Donation, including special handout and certification as a practitioner of the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition.
Reiki Level III — Reiki Master-Practitioner Training
$333 suggested Love Donation, including a special handout, booklets, certification as a Reiki Master-Practitioner of the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition, and gifts. (Please Inquire about Required Prerequisites).
Reiki Level IV — Reiki Master-Teacher Training
A Very Personalized Training : Please inquire about Requirements, Training Steps, Format & suggested Fees.
Anyone can experience the power of Divine Light, an absolutely priceless gift for both the Receiver and the Giver, as they are both blessed and transformed by it, as the Light enters their sacred space. Receiving Light purifies and harmonizes our soul, heart, mind and body, creates a change in consciousness and healing at the deepest level. Giving Light is a mindful and contemplative practice itself that peacefully anchors us into the present moment, fostering loving thoughts, gratitude in our hearts, and deepening a humble desire to be of service to others. Like Reiki, the Art of Giving Light comes from a Japanese tradition, but combines Universal Principles and Teachings from the major ancient spiritual traditions. In the physical world, it is offered by Sukyo Mahikari, a United Nation, non-profit organization of individuals who practice the Art of True Light all over the world. You can learn how to offer the gift of Light to yourself and others in love and service, while practicing the integration of spiritual principles and values in your daily life. For more information please contact Sukyo Mahikari.
Rita can FREELY gift you with a full Light session (45-50 min.) or only 10 min. directly to your Third Eye, when possible in person.